Remembering Mahatma Gandhi on His 154th Birthday. Poster: Pankaj Dixit
प्रेम में द्वेष की गुंजाइश ही नहीं

Remembering Mahatma Gandhi on His 154th Birthday. Poster: Pankaj Dixit
نہ ہو احساس تو سارا جہاں ہے بے حس و مردہ گداز دل ہو تو دکھتی رگیں ملتی ہیں پتھر میں فراق گورکھپوری If there is no feeling, the whole place is senseless and dead. If you have a Sensitive heart then you can see the veins in the stone. Firaq Gorakhpuri Poster: Pankaj […]
Poster: Jeevesh Prabhakar
Posters: Pankaj Dixit & Rajneesh Sahil
Art: Kush Kumar
The day the power of love overrules the love for power, there will be peace in the world. Mahatma Gandhi
Love will have to be celebrated in a new way. If there is sorrow in anyone’s heart, it has to be eradicated. – Kaifi Azmi Painting: Mukesh Bijole
Love is a human and very sweet feeling. Love in itself is never an animal instinct. Love always elevates the character of man. True love can never be fabricated. Love comes by it’s own path, but no one can say when? – Bhagat Singh (Excerpt of letter written to Sukhdev) Poster: Rajneesh Sahil
‘Kabir’ by Awdhesh Bajpai. As once our great social reformers, like Kabir, Raidas, Jyotiba Phule and others had dedicated their lives to spread the message of love, peace, fraternity and harmony against hatred; Come and travel with us to Meet different people, know their cultures and histories, and share the warmth and love with them. […]
प्रेम न तो किसी खेत में उत्पन्न होता है और न ही वह किसी बाज़ार में बिकता है। यह तो ऐसी चीज है कि राजा हो अथवा प्रजा, जिस किसी को भी वह रुचिकर लगे वह अपना सिर देकर अर्थात अहंकार त्याग कर ही उसे ले जा सकता है। – कबीर Love neither grows in […]