Poster: Ashok Dubey
Labour, Truth, Love

Poster: Ashok Dubey
Poster: Pankaj Dixit
Friend!I have never seen them Still we are willing to die together For the same freedom, For the same bread, For the same hope.– Nazim Hikmet Poster: Pankaj Dixit
Poster: Ashok Dubey
ढाई आखर प्रेम का संदेश देती समीना अफ़रोज़ जो आने वाली पीढ़ी यानि बच्चों को लेकर बहुत चिंतित हैं, समाज में सब एका और प्रेम से रहें इसके लिए कुछ करना चाहती हैं। Samina Afroz is giving the message of love. She is concerned about the coming generation i.e. children. She wants to do something so […]
Under the burden of thousands of unfulfilled desires This heart that beats does wonders! – Faiz Ahmed Faiz Poster: Pankaj Dixit
May there be brotherhood between humans. This is our message.Pradeep Poster: Ashok Dubey (Roopankan)
Even after meeting once againThe wish to meet again, would never end on the EarthAlok Dhanwa Poster: Anil Karmele
Shailendra Shaili in Conversation with Vineet Tiwari, National Secretary of Progressive Writers Association.
Painting by Awdhesh Bajpai