Press Note

Press Conference: Dhai Akhar Prem Yatra and its inauguration ceremony in Delhi, 26 September,2023

Date: 26th September, 2023.
Venue: Press Club of India, New Delhi

A press conference was organized today in the context of “Dhai Aakhar Prem, Paidal Yatra(foot march)”. It was addressed by Prasanna (Theatre Director, National President, IPTA), Veda (Theatre Directer), Vineet (National Secretary, PWA), Prasad Bidappa (famous choreographer and designer), Sanjeev (General Secretary, Jales) and Rakesh(working president, IPTA).
Yatra brief: 
This Yatra will start from Alwar district of Rajasthan on Bhagat Singh’s birthday, 28 September 2023, and will pass through 22 states and end on Gandhiji’s martyrdom day on 30th January 2024. (Yatra schedule attached)
The inaugural ceremony – Poorvarang:
A cultural inauguration ceremony of this Yatra is being organized on the eve of Bhagat Singh’s birthday on 27th September, 2023. (Catalogue attached with details)
Many cultural organizations of the country are involved in this journey of Dhai Akhar Prem, some of the prominent names of are – *Sangwari, Anhad, Jan Natya Manch, Caravan-e-Mohabbat, Dalit Writers Association, Janwadi Writers Association, Progressive Writers Association, Jan Sanskriti Manch. , IPTA etc etc.*
Keynotes from each speaker at the press conference today
1. Prasanna (Theatre Director, National President, IPTA): We are against politicization of culture. The great Indian civilization is in crisis today. The divisive cultural politics of hate and mechanized economy of consumption together are undermining the dignity of human being. We need a politics of love and labour, two most fundamental aspects of humanity. We draw our slogan of dhai aakhar prem and symbol of handknit gamchha from our sait poet Kabir. Kabir, along with other saint poets are Indian civilization’s true cultural representative. Following them, with this Jatha with many cultural organizations going to meet people and culture of India.
2. Rakesh(working president, IPTA): Dhai Aakhar Prem- National Cultural Jatha is a continuation of the tradition of peoples theatre and peoples culture in India. Peoples theatre started with touring the country to tell stories of one part of the countrt to other parts. It brought people together. This Jatha will do the same. We will go to places, meet people and learn about their life, art, and culture. In a way this Jattha is our way of knowing and loving our country better.
3. Sanjeev (general secretary, Jales): The progressive cultural organizations have always been aware of the current environment of communal hatred and anti scientific temparament and growing inequality. When IPTA came up with this idea of Jatha to spread the message of love, all of us naturally joined together. Artists hate those who spread hate. Calling a wrong a wrong is the right thing. With Kabir’s righteousness we follow his path of Dhai Aakhar Prem.
4. Prasad Bidappa (famous choreographer and designer): Handloom Khadi in India is a not only an economic sector, but our cultural and artistic heritage. It carries soul of India. Indian fabric and fashion need no approval from the West. I am proud to be spreading this message through my fashion shows.
5. Vineet (National Secretary, PWA): The tana bana of a piece of cloth has been a great symbol of our social and cultural relationship. With this symnol we want to reclaim the dignity of human labour, solidarity with daily struggles of each other, spirit of love, ability to learn and appreciate diversity of thoughts and culture, and power of reason.
6. Veda (Theatre Directer): We have done many yatras. Met thousands of people. They are not hateful and dont like the politics of hate. The people in the villages give us confidence that this yatra will be able to become a voice of the people, voice of love and care
Press Conference – Handout
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